Bienvenido! My name is Aaron and I am currently serving in Dominican Republic. Whether this is in the United States or somewhere else in the world , Jehovah's work must be done! As we have been advised, "taste and see that Jehovah is good!" This blog is just about my little taste so far.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Safeguard Your Mind Circuit Assembly part 2

Well as you all probably guessed , the assembly just got better and better! The symposium on Sunday was geared towards families. The main point of the series was how each member of the family should be reflecting Jesus mental attitude. It was so great to be with our family and to feel the warmth of our international brotherhood as we met friends from the Uk, Canada and many parts of Asia !

Following the assembly, we were invited to a special gathering in La Vega, an area located outside of Santiago. It's up the mountain so the sights were gorgeous! When we arrived I looked around and saw that there were branch members there as well as missionaries and circuit overseers! I felt so small compared to these spiritual giants! But after chatting with them for a little but, I could easily see they were no different then anyone else there. After we all ate, there was time given to interview a Circuit Overseer and his wife from Canada. Their experiences about serving in the most northern parts of North America were amazing! They've been busy encouraging all the pioneer and with much success! Then a brother from the branch was interviewed for a bit about general things concerning need greaters. Also a sister who had been serving here in DR was interviewed about her experiences and how she's seen much growth in the ASL field over the years. It was such an amazing time!

Unfortunately I got a little food poisoning this weekend. No, it wasn't my mom's cooking (she'll kill me when she reads this). I was sick through Saturday night into late Monday. The friends helped me out so much tho! They gave me tablets of charcoal to calm my stomach. On Monday, Isabel gave me a drink that was basically just a whole lime squeezed into a glass with some water and honey. Thankfully I like sour things! This little concoction killed whatever was hurting me because within 2 hours of drinking that, my appetite was back with a vengeance. I commenced the feast of all feasts and then all was well again.

The preaching work has been booming friends! We need so much help ! Tomorrow I'll post up some of the experiences we've had just this week. It's easy to see Jehovah's guidance in our ministry and even easier to see how much he is handing out blessings. But there's even more for all of you friends too! We hope you'll consider joining us here in Dominican Republic. If it's for a week or a month , you will "taste and see that Jehovah is good. " If you'd like more information on coming to DR , my email is We'd love to share with you any answers we can provide to your questions!

Below is a family we met serving in Samana. This mom and son duo are doing great! After that is the lavender sunset in La vega. It was just gorgeous ! And lastly is another benefit of serving in DR : my cookies! If you come , you will eat to your hearts content!

We pray you friends are doing well and of course we think about you often.

Nos Vemos ,

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