Bienvenido! My name is Aaron and I am currently serving in Dominican Republic. Whether this is in the United States or somewhere else in the world , Jehovah's work must be done! As we have been advised, "taste and see that Jehovah is good!" This blog is just about my little taste so far.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

"Teacher , Teacher!!!"

This morning Isabel, Yasmely , Esa, Mom and I did early morning witnessing today. We went to a restaurant called Square One, a place that us notorious for English speakers because of its proximity to university. The food was delicious and I got to enjoy a macadamia cappuccino. We went to the Kingdom Hall to meet with the group for service but were surprised to find out that the English congregation doesn't meet at the Kingdom Hall on Saturdays!!! Sooooo we need to figure that out. But we worked with the Creole congregation. It was awesome to get to know more friends, more brothers and sisters of our Family. We worked with two missionaries and a young brother named Wilson.

Today was my first day teaching and it was quite the experience. Let me kinda paint a picture of this situation for you guys. So I applied for this job yesterday , was given all my materials and told to come in TODAY. Now this wouldn't be the biggest problem, but remember , I am coming in to replace a teacher mid-semester and I've never taught this material. Ever. So you can probably understand why I was a little apprehensive. But I was brought up to my classroom and began introducing myself. I gave the students a chance to ask me questions about myself and one student , Anderson , asks me "teacher , teacher! (Imagine the accent too) Do you speaka da Spanish ?" , to which I replied "only a little bit". The class in awe beings to laugh and say "Teacher teacher why you no speaka da Spanish ?!" After a few laughs and jokes I had settled in and began teaching. I got to know some of the students better during the break time and they are quite the characters. They think that I'm quite the trip apparently because they were laughing whenever I Talk about myself. One rule we have is ONLY ENGLISH in class. So I put up a box in the corner of the whiteboard and in that corner I drew an angry face. They students went wild , " teacher teacher! What is this?!" I told them that If they speak Spanish that the name would go in. 3 offenses and they get points deducted for their grade. The faces dropped. It was priceless. They said "oooo o!!! We are American now. We don't speak Spanish anymore!" The day seemed to be over as soon as it had started. My next class isn't until next week Saturday.

Tonight we are having The Viciosos over for dinner and to catch up a bit so we're looking forward to that too.

We saw this little kitten out in service and I immediately thought of some of you friends. The second picture was the beautiful sunset. Everything was orange and it was so pretty! then just another picture of our walk back home.
And the last photo is of my new classroom.

Hope you friends are doing well and we think about you often.

Nos Vemos

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