Bienvenido! My name is Aaron and I am currently serving in Dominican Republic. Whether this is in the United States or somewhere else in the world , Jehovah's work must be done! As we have been advised, "taste and see that Jehovah is good!" This blog is just about my little taste so far.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A Facelift

Alright first off I'll just explain the new design and why I changed it. I wanted to make the blog more appealing but also I wanted the background to make sense as well. I could have done the waves or a beach. But this blog is about doing whatever Jehovah requires of us and that means doing wherever he wants me to. So that's why it's a picture of the globe and an airplane. Also if you check out the blog on your cellphone, it's formatted for mobile view with a theme based on maps. So check it out sometime!!! Also I wanted to let you know that the blog is being viewed very often!!! I have a way of checking where the blog is being viewed in the world and how often! So far it's at over 400 views and the too views for countries are United States , Dominican Republic , France and Germany!!! I have no idea how It made it overseas BUT it made me really happy to see that.

So the meeting Sunday had great results even with the meeting Saturday. We had 56 at our meeting and I forget the exact number on Saturday but it was over 80. So we definitely saw that Jehovah was blessing the efforts here.

Sunday I played a little solo gig at Paulette's house. I was super nervous but it was so much fun!! The friends sang so loud so it was very relaxed. We played songs by Adele, Coldplay, Lifehouse and more. It's really nice being part of this congregation. I love how its like a little family. Because we are so few , you HAVE to get to know everyone in the congregation. It gives a huge opportunity to widen out. I know I have lots I'll learn from these friends and all their experience.

Today out in service was a nice chance for me to widen out because I worked with a newer brother. He was just baptized at the past special assembly day. His name is Herbie and he's really encouraging. He speaks French , spanish, creole and English. Me and Herbie are always laughing at each other out in service. But besides the laughs, it's so clear to see the love he has for people in the territory. He feels so much empathy for these people and its a good example to follow. I got a new call today who lives nearby!!! He promised me he'd come to the meeting Sunday and wants a study. We exchanged numbers and all that so I can call him to remind him.

Class has been awesome lately. I've gotten into the swing of things and my students actually respect me. I'm enjoying it all so much! I just can't believe I'm teaching English. Like who woulda ever thought that would happen?!

Anyways, we miss you friends very much and think of you often. Again, please Skype us sometime! We would love to hear from you! My Skype is musicman2131 and my mom's is baileymk1.

Below are a couple goofy pictures. First is Candy and I just lazing around during siesta. And then at the bottom is Nigel and Herbie goofing off after the meeting while we help some friends move.

Nos Vemos,

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