Bienvenido! My name is Aaron and I am currently serving in Dominican Republic. Whether this is in the United States or somewhere else in the world , Jehovah's work must be done! As we have been advised, "taste and see that Jehovah is good!" This blog is just about my little taste so far.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Big Day!!!

Yesterday was a great day in service. We continued the census work and found a lot of English speakers. The way we did this was by going to all the English schools in the city and asking if we could leave invitations and magazines. In about 10 minutes we had placed more then 20 magazines , and that was just in my group.

In the afternoon we were invited to have lunch with Brother and Sister Jones. Now first I have to say that Jenny Perez makes the best lasagna I have EVER had, and second, the experiences that were given by Brother and sister Jones were AMAZING. Things about what they learned in Gilead, how they supported and were strengthen by the refugees from Libya, and more! Also different questions were asked about bible topics. Such as why the Israelites were allowed to stay in captivity for so long. We left that lunch on fire with zeal and ready to get back into the field.

After I got out of work my mom and a sister in our congregation , Katherine, met me at the school because Katherine wanted to turn a call over to me. So we go to this call center were almost everyone speaks English and Katherine begins to invite people to the meeting. We asked a man to go and get the RV for us and he went up. It was taking a bit of time so we were going to leave , but just then the man who went up for us said the RV was coming down. So we waited and a group of people came out of the center, none of which were the person we were waiting for. But a woman walks by us and asks "testigos?" Come to find out, she's 18 and studying with her mom right now! She's applying changes to her life like with association and music and she is seeing the good results that come from doing so. We all left from there so encouraged ! The man never came out but we knew why we had gone (were sent) there. It's amazing cause just as we were about to leave before its as tho the angels were saying "no! Wait just one minute more!"

Today I was able to work with Cardon again. I love working with the younger ones because it reminds me of some of the young ones from back home. Cardon was showing me his Spanish skills at the door and I was impressed!! My Spanish is improving too ! I know this has GOT to be Jehovah became because I've never been great at Spanish before. Or maybe it's because I actually have to use Spanish everyday now. Either way, it's getting better.

The meeting was a huge success ! We had 84 in attendance!!! And these were people from another part of the city! While I wasn't able to attend because of work, my mom told me one of the men we invited from the call center yesterday came and a bible teach book was left with him. It's amazing to see this work being done because Jehovah is making sure EVERYONE has a chance to know him. I'm so happy to be able to be apart of this. And remember friends , you can too! We need the help now more then ever before !

We hope you are all doing well and think of you often.

Nos Vemos,

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